Monthly Archives: January 2012

Too Stupid to Purl

Hello, blog. How’ve you been? I know, I’ve been AWOL. Lots of reasons, but most recently, I’ve been sick. Nothing serious, just the worst head cold I’ve had in years. I know it was bad because I was too sick to knit.  I recently pulled out a vest that I had started designing for myself last year.  I’d worked out the whole design but got distracted before I actually finished knitting it.  So I was working merrily along on it (changing a few things here and there, as I’ve learned more about garment sizing and construction in the intervening months) when– whammo!– this head cold hit.  Suddenly, I was too stupid to follow a simple lace chart.  I was even too stupid to purl.

Of course, I had to pick up and put down the vest, a sock, and a pair of mittens before I figured out that I was too stupid to knit.  But what’s a girl to do when she’s laying on the sofa, watching 30 DVR’d re-runs of House? 

Enter the No-Purl, No-Curl, Self-Fringing Linen Stitch Scarf.  You just cast on a busload of stitches, join in the round, and work in linen stitch for all but about 16 stitches, which you work in plain knit stitches.  When you’re done you cut (yes, I said cut; it’s okay, really!) down the center of the knit stitches, resulting in a linen-stitch scarf knit length-wise, with fringe at both ends.  Easy-peasy!  (Yes, I will write up the pattern, once my sinuses shrink back to normal size.)

Mine is worked in some luxurious Manos del Uruguay Silk Blend that I stashed a couple of years ago.

Manos Del Uraguay Yarn

Pictures of the actual scarf will be along just as soon as I’m smart enough to plug my camera in again.  🙂

And now it’s been at least ten minutes since my last cup of tea with honey, so clearly I’m due for another…